Protocol integration

Connect Your Notion to the Bot

The integration process requires finding three ID numbers inside your Notion account. We will walk you through each step. You should open a text editor app to paste the ID numbers as you will need them later to complete the integration.
  1. If you don’t already, create a free Notion account at If you aren’t familiar with Notion, please watch an introductory video and learn the basics.
  1. Open the Workspace Template and click duplicate in the top right corner of your screen.
  1. Find the Journal and Resource databases, and copy their ID number.
    1. For each database, open it and copy the ID number by clicking “Share”, then Publish the page, and select the string of letters and numbers in the URL after “” and before “?v=”. Paste them into any text editor and save them for a later step.
      See images
  1. Find your workspace ID.
    1. In the Notion sidebar, open ‘Settings & Members”, then “Identity & Provisioning”, scroll to find “Setup Information” and copy your Workspace ID.
      Paste the ID number into a text editor and save it for a later step.
      Image without caption
  1. Once you have your three IDs, use the /integrate command in Discord.
    1. An embed message will appear – select the buttons in this order:
      1. Workspace ID: Paste your workspace ID and click submit.
      1. Integrate with Notion
        1. View Instructions
      1. Journal DB: Paste your Journal database ID and click submit.
      1. Resources DB: Paste your Resources database ID and click submit.
Congrats, you have just integrated your Notion with the dEd protocol.
Now you can use bot commands to interact with your workspace.

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